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2019 IRS Standard Mileage Rate

If you are a professional or contract employee in the Horse Industry, this information on mileage may be helpful:

Federal Farm and Ranch Program Assistance

Federal farm program benefits across the country may be available to farmers and ranchers for land and livestock damage due to severe damage from natural causes such as rock slides, hurricanes, fires, draughts, etc…

The pictures shown here are from a clients land in Colorado where a rock slide cut through the middle of his alfalfa field. He was able to obtain funds for the cost to clear his land and repair the fencing that was demolished in the rock slide.

Do you ha ... read more.

Best Equestrian Colleges

Schools for Students Who Want Horses to Be Part of their College Experience

I read this great article by Elieen Cody, called Best Equestrian Colleges. Here is the beginning of that article:

1 of 20: Alfred University

If horses play a big role in your college search or you’re interested in pursuing a career in the equine industry, check out these top equestrian colleges. These institutions are recognized for their outsta ... read more.

Basic Questions for Your Barn Needs

How exciting! You are going to build a barn but you don’t know where to start! Here are some basics questions to help you sort your needs out and get you going in the right direction. These are important questions whether you are building a barn for pleasure, breeding or business.

  • How large is your property and how many horses are you planning on keeping? This is an important question. Some farm owners want to give their horses plenty of turn out and only have their ho ... read more.

    Buying Or Selling A Horse: Disclose The Price And Commission In The Bill Of Sale

    What is a Bill of Sale? It is a written statement attesting to the transfer (sale) of goods, possessions, or a business to a buyer. When purchasing a horse, it should accompany, or be part of an agreement, which states the agreed upon terms of sale, including the PRICE and COMMISSION!

    Would you leave the price and commission out of the agreement when you purchase your home or real estate? Then why would you leave it out of the purchase or sale of your horse? You work hard for your m ... read more.

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